Fifa 2005 demo is Out!

**For those interested in Football(soccer), EA have released a demo for their upcoming version of Fifa, it is promised to be revolutionary with it’s “first touch” features among many other fantasic features (hint the sarcasm…) **

My take on the demo:
We all know fifa has had its downfalls in the past years. especially with the awesome release of PES3 on the pc last year, fifa really has some tough competition. This year i was somewhat suprised with the feel of fifa, the players move really well and the in game play seems more about moving the ball around , than being able to run through the team with your fastest or best player, passing and player control is much improved and the whole flow to the game seems more fluid and releastic. Most aspects of the game has improved from last years version, i especially like the throw ins. With that said there are many things i still dislike in the fifa series which still remain in this years release, to name a few:

:the terrible corner kick system from last year,
:the too easy free kick system,
:being able to score more than 2 times out of 5 from wayyyyy long distance.
:face models looks a little stretched.

Yes i know its just a demo, but most of the things mentioned are not to be fixed (eg…corner kick system) Graphics will most probably be cleaned up, aswell as the commentry (not featured in the demo) when added will probably spice up the action.

I have a strong feeling even when fifa05 is at the final release that PES4 (Winning eleven 8) is going to blow fifa05 out of the water.
:: btw i reviewed this demo using a demo expander to increase res /quality and time allocation for the demo.*

worthy a download to scope for yourselve:

check the forums of to find the demo expander.

Have fun!

PES3 ruled! PES4 will hopefully be as good…

I’ve never really liked Fifa, but I guess I’ll download and try the demo just to see what it’s like :slight_smile:

I’m downloading it right now, I didn’t know things like that existed to edit the demo’s :blush:

That’s handy!

I’m not sure how “strictly legal” it is, if ya get my hidden meaning… but hey, it’s still cool :wink:

Well, it’s for their own good, the point of a demo is letting people preview the game, and the time limit has always bugged me out… :beam:

And I’m seriously not going to “not buy” the game because I can play Arsenal - AC Milan as much as I want to :wink:

? its not illegal at all, its not opening up the game with its full features?

basically you still only have two teams to pick from, it just allows you to override the graphic settings and some in game options, like i said resolution , graphic quality, difficulty level, time in one half, fouls , offisdes. just some in game settings that would show in the game.

It is very common for people to change these settings, and basically a expander is pretty much a auto way to editing the .ini files which you can simply do with notepad.

so its all good.

Im downloading it :slight_smile:

What I hate of fifa is that its too easy to score, in PES sometimes matches end up 0 to 0, 0 to 1, some people may think “what a boring game!” but its actually real scores :slight_smile: