Whats up guys.
I’m playing around with figs xml menu and need it to simply load an swf.
Right now the arg= line calls swf files but instead of pulling up a movie it reports the code to a text box. Heres the xml:
<item name="Definition" arg="DefinitionOverview.swf">
<sub name="Team Contacts" arg="TeamContacts.swf"/>
<sub name="Scope Document" arg="ScopeDocument.swf"/>
<sub name="Work Agreement" arg="WorkAgreement.swf"/>
<sub name="Approved Plan" arg="ApprovedPlan.swf"/>
<sub name="Calendar" arg="Calendar.swf"/>
<item name="Architecture">
<sub name="Site Flow and Nav" arg="SiteFlow.swf"/>
<sub name="Technical Specs" arg="TechnicalSpecs.swf"/>
<item name="Design">
<sub name="Design Comps" arg="DesignComps.swf"/>
<sub name="Approved Comp" arg="ApprovedComp.swf"/>
<sub name="Click-through" arg="ClickThrough.swf"/>
<sub name="Focus Groups" arg="FocusGroups.swf"/>
<sub name="Technical Plan" arg="TechnicalPlan.swf"/>
<item name="Implementation">
<sub name="Site Preview" arg="SitePreview.swf"/>
<sub name="Testing Plan" arg="Testing Plan.swf"/>
<item name="Ongoing" arg="Ongoing.swf">
<item name="Home" arg="Main.swf">
It’s a nice little menu, I just want it to load a move in the space where the dynamic text is currently.
What should the arg= lines be?