could anyone give me a step tp step tutorial for creating a game with stick figures? something like this:
it has 2 stick figures. you can move them with the arrow keys e.g
down would make him crouch, up would make a jump, left would make him move left and right would make him move right.
then when you press say… “x” on the keyboard he would kick. and if you press “z” he would punch.
im ok with the animations and everything i just need help with the layout and actionscript.
thats pretty advanced. I could help you with the movement and a bit of the fighting but the attacking might be difficult. I suppose we could make it a group project.
could you do something better than stick figures? Even if you find sprites from other games you could use them. Or evem make your own. Thats a bit hard though
Anyone else who is interested in this project just give us a holla!
ok, there was a problem, i figured it out. No problem, i will be here. I can help on special effects if you want and maybe characters…
And what kind of a fighting game will it be? Too realistic or cartoonish?
I’ve got an open-source fighter game (thanks to marmotte). Code may be a little advanced for you but its well commented. Its too big to post up so give me your e-mails and I’ll send the swf to you and tell me what you think.