I’m trying to get my flash movie to allow the user to download a file of a specific extension, at the moment i use:
var fileSave:FileReference = new FileReference();
fileSave.download("./files/save.xml?cacheBuster=" + new Date().getTime(),"myLOAM.xml");
This works as expected and opens up a browser download window with the filename “myLoam.xml” and the file type “All files (*)”
Two problems:
a) If the user changes the file name in the browser before clicking save (and doesn’t re-add the .xml extension) then the file is saved without an extension
b) Randomly, tested on two windows xp systems both in IE one included the extension in the filename on the browser download window and one didn’t (which doesn’t make it clear to the user they have to include the extension as part of the name) but both saved to the correct xml extension file
Want help with:
a) If there is a work around so I can specify the exact file type, in the adobe reference manual it states you can parse in extra parameters to server with the file location to download. How would i do this?
b) If can’t do a, how can I get it to always display the extension in the browser download window (unlike in problem b )