FileReference - HTTPError number: 403

This is driving me nuts.

I want to upload pictures using flash/php. My code is working fine with php4 but showing problem in php5. I don’t know how to fix it.

//Allow this domain"");//domain name modified
// The listener object listens for FileReference events.
var listener:Object = new Object();

// When the user selects a file, the onSelect() method is called, and
// passed a reference to the FileReference object.
listener.onSelect = function(selectedFile:FileReference):Void {
  //clean statusArea and details area
  statusArea.text = details.text = ""
  // Flash is attempting to upload the image.
  statusArea.text += "Attempting to upload " + + "
  // Upload the file to the PHP script on the server.

// the file is starting to upload.
listener.onOpen = function(selectedFile:FileReference):Void {
  statusArea.text += "Uploading " + + "
//Possible file upload errors
listener.onHTTPError = function(file:FileReference, httpError:Number):Void {
    imagePane.contentPath = "error";
    imagePane.content.errorMSG.text = "HTTPError number: "+httpError +"
File: "+;

listener.onIOError = function(file:FileReference):Void {
    imagePane.contentPath = "error";
    imagePane.content.errorMSG.text = "IOError: "+;

listener.onSecurityError = function(file:FileReference, errorString:String):Void {
    imagePane.contentPath = "error";
    imagePane.content.errorMSG.text = "SecurityError: "+SecurityError+"
File: "+;    

// the file has uploaded
listener.onComplete = function(selectedFile:FileReference):Void {
  // Notify the user that Flash is starting to download the image.
  statusArea.text += "Upload finished.
Now downloading " + + " to player
  //Show file details
  details.text = ""
  for(i in selectedFile) details.text +="<b>"+i+":</b> "+selectedFile*+"
  // Call the custom downloadImage() function.

var imageFile:FileReference = new FileReference();

uploadBtn.onPress = uploadImage;
imagePane.addEventListener("complete", imageDownloaded);

// Call the uploadImage() function, opens a file browser dialog.
function uploadImage(event:Object):Void {
  imageFile.browse([{description: "Image Files", extension: "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png"}]);

// If the image does not download, the event object's total property
// will equal -1. In that case, display am error message
function imageDownloaded(event:Object):Void {
  if( == -1) {
    imagePane.contentPath = "error";    

// show uploaded image in scrollPane
function downloadImage(file:Object):Void {
  imagePane.contentPath =  "./files/" + file;


Here is the php code:

//create the directory if doesn't exists (should have write permissons)
if(!is_dir("./files")) mkdir("./files", 0755); 
//move the uploaded file
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], "./files/".$_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
chmod("./files/".$_FILES['Filedata']['name'], 0777);

I have created a folder called files and given write permissions (777). Still it does not seem to work and I am getting an Error - HTTPError number: 403