FileRefrence uploading

working on an image uploader ->

couple problems.

  1. my listener.onProgress isnt getting called
  2. it works fine with smaller files, but when i try to upload a lot of bigger files - it behaves like its working as it should but then nothing gets put on the server. or sometimes after a little while some of the files end up there.

this is the actionscript


var listener:Object = new Object();

_global.fileListX = 107;
_global.fileListY = browseButton._y;
_global.yCounter = browseButton._y;

// dont let uploadButton work at start...only enable once browse has been called
uploadButton.enabled = false;

// holds the list of files
_global.files = new Array();

listener.onSelect = function(fileRefList:FileReferenceList) {
    uploadButton.enabled = true;
    // clear all the old checks if we had just done an upload
    for(i=0; i < _global.howManyChecksToClear; i++) {
    // fileRefList.fileList == what was just selected in the browse window
    // concatenate that to our existing list of files
    // because array files should hold all the files
    _global.files = _global.files.concat(fileRefList.fileList);
    // a file reference holds information about a file from the fileList (ex name, size?)
    var item:FileReference;
    //uploadButton._x = browseButton._x; // move the upload button onto the screen now that files have been selected
    // clear the file list text box so we can reprint everything
    fileList.text = "";
    // go through the files
    for (var i:Number = 0; i<_global.files.length; i++) {
        // put file in item
        item = _global.files*;
        // print the name of that file
        fileList.text +="
"; // print files on screen
        // create a new delete button
        var newDeleteButton = _root.attachMovie("deleteButton", "box_"+i, i); = i;
        newDeleteButton._y = _global.fileListY + (i*22); // this started at the y pos of the browse button (to line things up)
        newDeleteButton._x = _global.fileListX; // static
        // DELETE FILE
        // 1. clear the file display list
        // 2. remove item from array
        // 3. reprint list of files
        // 4. get rid of its "x" delete button
        newDeleteButton.onRelease = function() {
            // clear our display list of files
            fileList.text = "";

            // take out this file from our array of files
            // reprint our list of files
            for (var i = 0; i<_global.files.length; i++) {
                item = _global.files*;
                fileList.text +="
            // get rid of the x

listener.onProgress = function(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void {
    trace("onProgress: " + + " with bytesLoaded: " + bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal: " + bytesTotal);

listener.onComplete = function(file:FileReference):Void  {
    trace("onComplete: ";

var fileRef:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();

browseButton.onRelease = function() {
    upload.enabled = true;
    fileRef.browse([{description:"Image files", extension:"*.jpg;*.gif;*.png"}]);

uploadButton.onRelease = function() {
    // go through the array of files uploading each one
    this.enabled = false;
    for (var i:Number = 0; i<_global.files.length; i++) {
        item = _global.files*;
        var newDoneIcon = _root.attachMovie("doneIcon", "done_"+i, i); = i;
        newDoneIcon._y = _global.fileListY + (i*22); // this started at the y pos of the browse button (to line things up)
        newDoneIcon._x = _global.fileListX; // static
    // before we clear the file list, get how long it is - this is how many checks we'll have to delete next time they click "browse"
    _global.howManyChecksToClear = _global.files.length;
    // now clear the list since we're all done uploading.