Fill in blank woes


I just made a fill in blank quiz which is work ok…my problem is how to set that user can only make only 2 attemption only…after “attempt=2” the check button will be disabled…and the wrong answer will be replace with correct answer in red color also…

this is the code I’m using…


var attempt = 0;

disabler.enabled = false;
disabler._visible = false;
var stageW = 400;
var stageH = 300;

function showWindow(linkageName){
    disabler._visible = true;
    var win = _root.attachMovie(linkageName, linkageName, 9999);
    win._x = (stageW/2)-(win._width/2);
    win._y = (stageH/2)-(win._height/2);
    win.okBtn.onPress = function(){
        disabler._visible = false;
    return win;


_correctansw = ["zero","one","two"]; 
_inputxt = ["input0","input1","input2"];

function checkansw() { 
   var field; 
   var numOfAns = _correctansw.length; 
   var numOfCorrect = new Array(); 
   for (var i = 0; i < numOfAns; i++) { 
      field = _root["input" + i]; 
      if (_correctansw* == field.text.toLowerCase()) { 
         numOfCorrect* = true;
      } else { 
         numOfCorrect* = false; 
   for (var i = 0; i < numOfAns; i++) { 
      field = _root["input" + i]; 
      if (numOfCorrect*) { 
           field.html = true;
           field.htmlText = "<font color='#CCFF00'>"+_correctansw*+"</font>";
      } else { 
         field.html = true;
         field.htmlText = "<font color='#FF0000'><b>wrong answer!!</b></font>";
//btn  check
btncheck.onPress = function() { 
    for(var ij=0;ij<3;ij++){
        this._root["input"+ij].ijvar= ij;
        if(this._root["input"+ij].text== ""){
            //trace("u must fill out the field");
            var win = showWindow("messageBox");
             win.message_txt.text = "You must fill out the field!!!";
            result.text = "";  

function  whichtxt(){
for(var j=0; j<3;j++){
    this["input"+j].jvar = j;
    this["input"+j].onSetFocus = tracing;

function tracing(){
    this.text = "";

this is my fla file

and this is the preview

hope someone will help me out with this…
