Hi i am currently working on a flash program that requires me to fill up spaces that have been set by a boundary.
Ok scrape that first post, now that im using lineTo and moveTo, i need some assistance in using beginFill.
A portion of my code are as follow.
name = "line"+number_line;
mc0 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(name, number_line);
mc0.lineStyle(1, 0x1919B3, 100);
for (var i = 0; i<arrayPos; i++) {
if (xArray[i+1] != undefined || xArray[i+1] != null) {
origin_x = xArray*;
origin_y = yArray*;
mc0.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y);
mc0.lineTo(xArray[i+1], yArray[i+1]);
I have stored the line positions in an array (xArray, y Array) and am using a for loop to run and draw the image. Now the problem is that beginFill doesnt not work due the the fact that i have to keep updating the starting position of the next line.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help in adv.