Ok, I can already input available time in MySQL. Like:
AvailableDay = Monday
FromTime = 08:00
ToTime = 11:00
Means it’s available on Mondays from 8-11am
Now, I need to create a drop down menu that will allow the user to select, schedule appointment:
8:00 2 hour
8:00 1 hour and a half
8:00 1 hour
8:00 half hour
8:30 2 hour
8:30 1 hour and a half
8:30 1 hour
8:30 half hour
9:00 2 hour
9:00 1 hour and a half
9:00 1 hour
9:00 half hour
9:30 1 hour and a half
9:30 1 hour
9:30 half hour
I’m trying to create loops but I don’t seem to come up with an simple solution.
This is what I have so far, I’m still figuring it out. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
public function getAvailableList(){
for($i=6; $i <= 22; $i++){
$time[] = strtotime('+'.$i.' hour 12AM');
$time[] = strtotime('+'.$i.' hour 15 minutes 12AM');
$time[] = strtotime('+'.$i.' hour 30 minutes 12AM');
$time[] = strtotime('+'.$i.' hour 45 minutes 12AM');
foreach($time as $value_time){
echo date('H:i', $value_time).'<br />';
return $this->_availableList;