Finding out what URL is used in javascript function

I’m trying to find out what the actual link is to a news story on a client website.
That way we can link to it from an email blast.

Anyhow, this is an example of the link in the source code

<A HREF='javascript:setHiddenFormValue(document.form.articleType,"personal"); 
	linksSubmit(document.form, document.form.articleNumber,9750);' onMouseOver='window.status="Click here to see complete article contents";return true'>more...</A>

Then there are the javascript functions

*  Prepares all information to click on the link and 	*
*  go to viewArticle.cfm.				*
function linksSubmit(formName, elementName, elementValue)
	setHiddenFormValue(elementName, elementValue);

*  Sets the value (passed as a param) of a 		*
*  hidden form element (passed as a param)		*
function setHiddenFormValue(elementName, elementValue)
	elementName.value = elementValue

*  Submits a form (passed as a param)			*
function submitForm(formName)
} // submitForm

I have no idea how i could get to the same page with a url string. Is it even possible?