Hello all,
If this needs to get moved to the Job Offers section so be it but I was hoping to get it some traffic here in Random.
I agreed to build a site for a family member that owns a company in the fashion industry. Well I’m just way to busy right now to finish it. I have the layout done and the menu in place.
Things to be done:
Apply Roll-Over Effects to Menu Items (3 total)
Create Transitions Between Sections
Create Display Pages for Sections (5 total)
One page will need to display images in some form of an infinite repeating menu with a larger image viewer. If populated by xml great. If done manually fine.
I’m willing to pay someone to do this for me as I really need to get it done. Could be around 10 hours of work depending how fast you do things.
Please let me know if you have the free time to throw at it and have a level of skill to do it well. (You need to be atleast as good as me shouldn’t be too hard, www.ethanmichael.com as an exanmple)
When the site is finished it will go in my company portfolio but you’ll be able to credit your work on the project and could be a great portfolio building project.
PM me or email me at helpmeout@ethanmichael.com
Thanks y’all.