A work in progress =)
purdy CPU intensive… just FYI…
A work in progress =)
purdy CPU intensive… just FYI…
Thats pretty bad ass man! =)
I love that =)
Inno it’s been done before… just fun to make yerself =)
I love it when I tackle these problems sigh
Now… can we make this 3d? hmmmm…
you’d be the man Elilsoe =) hehe
im not that great an Actionscripter yet =)
Yeah **** Eilsoe I didn’t know you were that good! That’s pretty intense!
very nice ::kudos:: :cowboy:
Party time???
good job How did you do it?
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
I’ve seen better:P
Just kidding very nice work. I can’t even understand how u would make that. Very Nice:)
Eilsoe is awesome, that is how he made it
Aww you guys =) blushes
Actually I’m brewing something new in my head as I write… hmm…
Can ya say Electricity ??
hmm… I think I got the basic code in my head now… Let’s go test it!!!
I’ll be back later tonight with some results
Be sure to make some tut’s to educate us guys.
Yap, I will
Seeing I’m a laze ass when it comes to coding, I take use of basic code and logic, to make these effects… Mebbe it means it’s more difficult to make, seeing there’s prolly more code in my versions than in professional versions…
hm, put that’s the way it is
So eilsoe, whats going on with this one, you gonna write a tutorial or give out the source files?
::dan is greedy for knowledge::
Aww come on Dan, you can do this too!
hehe, have a blast :beam:
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