FireFox displays "some", IE displays all


I’ve hit a brick wall here. I have a Flash file that displays fine in IE. It also displays fine when ran as a SWF. However, in FireFox, it does not display my scroller.

I developed the Scroller component dynamically… everything is drawn from scratch, no library movieClips, etc. I’m starting to think that could be the cause? I’ve tried many different things:

[]Changed the HTML code to bare bones embedding code.
]Recompiled in Flex… same result!
[]Tested on another computer… it worked fine! However, I tested on another computer with FireFox… same problem. It’s so weird.
]I seperated the Image Slide show component from the Scroller… the scroller had the same effect… didn’t display in FF.
[]Played around with Wmode
]Checked my code for addChild problems, visibilty, alpha properties… nothing out of the ordinary.
[]Asked God.
]Drank some Gin.
[*]Took a break and came back to it.
I’ve reseached Google and the most I could come up with is to compile using FP10. It is FP10. I’m using CS3 and FlashDevelop. When I right click on my Flash file, it does indeed display FP10. Same with Flex.

Maybe I’m missing something here or seriously overlooking something simple. I love drawing with the Drawing API, I’m hoping to *not *have to cut that part off and replace with library assets.