sup all,my fav browser is giving me problems
the problem is that everytme i press on a linnk to go somewhere firefox
always locks up. be it a regular html pg link or a link on a flash site, it always says something like “website not found” etc…
at first i thought that it was my laptop because since im wireless sometimes when the signal is searching etc…then ofcourse it wont show but ive kept a vigilant eye on my connection icon on my sys tray andnow ive confirmed that its not my connection because it happens reguardless.
ivetried opening it ona tab and on a separate window and still the same thing. it locksup then wheni close it, re-open THEEN it pops up. and theyre sites i KNOW are active.
also the bad newshas now spread to my desktop aswell. click on a link, locks up, close, re-open, sometimes opens up…
i dunno what the problem is. i open the same link on IE and it works as it should, when i try to re open the same link on FF same problem again.
any ideas??? last thing i wanna do is go back to IE
please some 1 help :look: