RC1 is available to download now (Release Candidate 1). It’s close to the final version, which will probably be released in about 1 month.
I’m looking forward to the faster speed…
Speed: improvements to our JavaScript engine as well as profile guided optimizations have resulted in continued improvements in performance. Compared to Firefox 2, web applications like Google Mail and Zoho Office run twice as fast in Firefox 3, and the popular SunSpider test from Apple shows improvements over previous releases.
I tried it a couple weeks back. I was very unimpressed. The UI is pretty ugly (yea, I realize it’s only an RCx), and some of the new features (such as live history/bookmark searching in the address bar) seem to be poorly implemented.
We’ll see if it’s turned around in the final release, but you’d think that by the time RCx versions came out they’d have all of that menial (yet important) stuff taken care of.
There is so much hype around it it’s unbearable. They claim faster speed, faster rendering? Sure that’s nice, but who in the world is rendering pages 24x7? I WANT IT SNAPPY. God Firefox UI is so bloated it’s insane. Here’s a way to gaurantee a stall in Firefox:
Google something
Go down the results page and open each page in a new tab by middle clicking.
See how far you get down before FF stalls for like 2 minutes.
I just can’t take how they can justify such self-conceited hype around it even though it blows so much. I remember a comment from Mark Pilgrim I think (the dude who wrote Dive into Python) who said Firefox’s development/management is so sloppy that their slogan really should be changed to “As long as we are better than Internet Explorer”. And that’s about all they are. Try opening 50 tabs in one go in Opera and see if it lags at all. Try this in Firefox.
Your-Mom RC1 runs better than Firefox RC1. But honestly, I gotta agree with you guys, opening 10+ new tabs sometimes causes it to hang for a few seconds or more on me. Which is very annoying. :mad:
This needs to be called an alpha. I went and reinstalled the beta. I wonder what happened in between these test phases that would have caused this much of a instability in the program.