Firefox resizing issue

I’ve stumbled upon a weird problem. I’m currently developing a site for the Seminole Tribe of Florida called “Florida Seminole Tourism”.

Everything looks great in IE6+ and it looks almost exactly the same with firefox. The issue I’m having is when i view the pages in firefox, on the bottom on the left and right side, the background images are not being pushed all the way to the bottom. Only when you change the window size does it suddenly get bumped to the bottom. Why is this? Has anyone ever experienced something like this? I’m using alot of nested tables, but I dont know any other way to code this particular layout. Any help would be appreciated!


also… This problem only occurs when you have yet to go to a particular page. Like if you go to “Billie Swamp” you’ll notice the side bottom images not aligning up. But if you leave this page and then come back, the problem fixes itself. It appears that for some reason the layout is reacting to the order of how certain images are downloaded?? Like it works once all the images on the page are already in your temp…I’m stumped…