until now, i have used fireworks mx only to draw and manipulate pics, but a friend told me i could do menues and such things with it…
any links to tuts?
thanks in advance…
until now, i have used fireworks mx only to draw and manipulate pics, but a friend told me i could do menues and such things with it…
any links to tuts?
thanks in advance…
Actually the help files with fireworks are the best for showing you how to do that. While in fireworks hit F1. The search for drop downs and rollovers
yeah FWMX is so useful with DW…i just gotta get more into it…so used to PS :-\
btw: 3D- you have to hold white to talk in GR? oh well, i got a new S type controler the other day! it is awsome. do you have mech? i got a friday night session going on with some guys that i met yesterday if you want in i will PM the info over. and do you think TheSuit is really Gates?
mdipi wtf are you saying lol
I used to use Fireworks…
Well… please describe which menu you would like to use.
Here is how to do a pop-up menu
1.create a button (click then f8) then double click on the slice. It will bring up a button editor. Think FLash mx with the up, over, down, over while down, etc… When finished click done.
thanks man…
morse, its XBoxian code…
Yeah I have mech assault…yeah I got a s type too veeeerrry cool. I will pm you my info…and yes theSuit is Gates…hahahahahahhaha
hey XERO should have let him look through the help files. Alot of peeps ask questions before the look in the most obvious place the help files.
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