Firing a bullet to hit an object HELP!

I am getting a bit annoyed as i have tried a lot of different things but i just can get something to happen when 2 different objects

so…these are these things I want to be able to do in order :

  1. an object (bullet) to be fired from another object.

  2. the bullet to collide with another still object.

  3. when the collision has happened goto a different frame eg. 5

( I would like to be able to edit the frame. )

can someone please help me with the actionscript needed to complete this task,



Can you be a bit more specific about what you’re trying to achieve, Mickey?

ok lets try this i want when a bullet collides with a movie clip it jumps to frame 5

Try the tute about hitTest.
I asked you that question because the collision detection can change depending on the configuration of your game (or whatever it is you’re trying to do): first-person shooter, side-scrolling shooter…