First ever Frame by Frame animation by me


I thought i would give frame by frame animation a go.

This was done at the spure of the moment in flash, no planning, no sketching, straight into flash.

Took me tooo long. I definatly prefer programming, I used a mouse, a graphics tablet would have made it easier, but i don’t have one.

Frame rate too high, else it would be jerky, didn’t lower it because i would have to draw more. [size=1](I am writing in annoying small sentances i know, i am making up lost time. Writing and thinking what to say at the same time)[/size]

Can’t say that frame by frame animation was enjoyable, it reminds me of stakeing shelves (my current job, because i am a student) I prefer programming, although I am not that good at that either, but i will get better at it because i enjoy it, because it is logic, and my mind is logical.

Anyway, i’m going to stop rambling

[size=3]Clickidy Click --> Sketchy <-- kcilC ydikcilC[/size]
[size=3][color=black]What do you think of it?[/color][/size]