First pixel art, and boy is it fun to make!

I always loved looking at pixel art so I decided to give it a try, and realized its even more fun to do (although it takes a bit of time:-\ )! This is my first go… I want to piece together a sizeable city - anyway, here’s the first building… comments/suggestions gretly appreciated!


Sweet, how did you learn how to do that?

I dunno really… just kinda tried it out… once you get the angles, then its like legos. I’ve always been a fan too, so I am sure that helped a bit. So basically I just dove into it.


Wow, that is awesome Ryall, I love pixel art, always tried it… I really suck bad it.

Love it though… makes me want to try it again (then realize I can’t do it again…LOL).

cool! what program was that done in? looks great. =)

That’s cool. I’ve drawn similar stuff with Flash - the grid came in very helpful, let me tell you. I never realised how difficult isometric drawing could be…

First timer´s luck! :stuck_out_tongue:

Kiding, You have begun with your right foot (hand):slight_smile:

If you haven´t noticed, I´m a big fan of pixel art too (check my avatar) but I don´t make much, just apreciate.


I tried pixel art too but I sucked at it!
maybe I should try again… but maybe then I realize that I can’t do it like lost! doh’

i think that entire sites made in pixel art are really cool.

i like what i see.

ive tried in the past, but it never really came to anything. usually just basic looking interfaces that arent all the 3d.

good work.


Thanks for the comments thus far!

I made it all in photoshop7 using the 1 pixel wide pencil tool zoomed WAY WAY in. You could use MS paint to do it just as well, but I like having photoshops history window to use and layers are sweet for dividing all the different elements up.


hmh… 1 pixel grid… zoomed in!
I could do that but if I zoom it in then I make something and then look at the whole picture (zoom 100%) then I see that I’ve made a teeny tiny picture!
so… gotta keep trying but not now… I’m totally depressed right now… often finding myself near the TV after hours of useless sleeping…:frowning:

*Originally posted by Syko *
**I’m totally depressed right now… often finding myself near the TV after hours of useless sleeping…:frowning: **

why is that my friend? Can we help you out of this?

Do you want me to call Phil? I´m sure he´ll manage to cheer you up somehow. I have the horn, just say I and I will blow it and Phil will be here in a sec. :stuck_out_tongue:


well if this helps I just noticed that I reversed the light source on the support posts for the building… how I could make everything with the right shading and miss one of the most obvious points is beyond me! doh! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheer up man!


when you mentioned phil I was already laughing! Maybe I should read some old posts by phil!


haha how true that is :smirk:


i have tryed it b4 but wasnt anygood at it. here check this site! he is sick!

Its a broken link mdipi.

thanks lost, try this one, if this dont work then i gotta contact vone…that should be hard :-/.

ok here is the deal, when you get there, look around, its all done in MS Paint :P. and also, on the main page, set your clock to night or day and stuff, watch what happens! he and my buddy did a good job on this!