First website, having trouble with html css positioning

Hi guys,

It’s been a heap of fun learning all this new stuff :slight_smile: Anyways, here’s the site:

tosstemple dot com

Very broken as you can see, as I come here oh so humbly.

Here’s what I’m looking to accomplish:

I want to align <div id=“rankpanel”> with the dark blue outline behind it. I would like the image to be fixed to the background such that when I alter the dimensions of the browser window (expand or contract), <div id=“rankpanel”> will move in conjunction with the background image.

As for <div id=“contactbutton”>, I would like to position it such that it remains within the confines of the orange rectangle in the bottom left. Ultimately, I want to turn this into a link that pops up an ajax contact form.

And that’s about it. I’ll be adding an about me link, but I think I’ll be able to figure that out once I get help with these initial two div placements. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

