Fit To Screen Mystery! Help

Hey All,

I’ve got a flash movie that is 740 w x 650 h . This fits fine in many browsers, but not all. I have navigation info at the bottom, images are loaded dynamically in the center.

Here is what I’m trying to do – I want this movie to resize to fit ONLY browsers/computers that are less than 650 pixels high. So it will only get smaller and NOT bigger.

I don’t want this to end up on a cinemadisplay and try to stretch way the heck out, and totally ruin the look and asthetic of the layout and photos.

So, is it possible to have flash resize only smaller, and not go -beyond- it’s a certain size (in this case, 740x650 pixels)?

Thanks – REALLY appreciate it!!


Hey Krilnon,

Thanks for this. I just tried it. I put the as you gave me on the first frame of my movie.

I changed my screen resolution in windows to 800x600 and viewed the flash – it didn’t change, I still had to scroll down to see it all.

So, maybe I didn’t do it right – or didn’t describe what I was trying to do right.

Also, in publish settings, everything is set for ‘match movie’ maybe that is the problem?

Thanks, I appreciate your help - md

Okay, check this link out:

This is what I was imagining your problem to be, and if I am imagining correctly, it should also solve that problem. If the height of the browser window is less then 650 when the page loads, the content is scaled. Otherwise, the content isn’t scaled. The .fla is at the same location with a different extension.

hey again,

thanks for going through the work of putting that together! It’s a little different, basically when I goto your link – your content loads and stretches to ‘exact fit’ the size of my browser. So, the entire image looks distorted.

If I resize my browser window, it’s resizing to match – no matter what I set my screen size at.

I tried to d/l the flash file, and did – but when I tried to open it, I got th message that flash couldn’t ‘seek the file mdTest.fla’ whatever that means.

I’ve been trying to solve this problem for a year I think, I just keep putting it off because I can’t figure it out.

I don’t want the content to stretch to fit the entire browser, because it then becomes distorted. All I want is for my file to ‘shrink’ down to fit a monitor/browser that is say 800x600, and my flash height is 650pixels. Sometimes users have tons of ‘junk’ attatched to their IE or Firefox, like yahoo search, etc – and that reduces the amount of screen space for your movie. In cases like this, I want the image to ‘shrink’ down to fit – but, I don’t want the image to expand and stretch out to fit a -larger- monitor. I want it to either show at 650pixels H, or smaller – never bigger.

Kinda confusing! Like I said, a mystery! :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your troubles – md

[quote=Krilnon;1983513]Okay, check this link out:

This is what I was imagining your problem to be, and if I am imagining correctly, it should also solve that problem. If the height of the browser window is less then 650 when the page loads, the content is scaled. Otherwise, the content isn’t scaled. The .fla is at the same location with a different extension.[/quote]

You want it to shrink but not distort, so you want it to constrain the proportions, right? By default, the publish settings will have the proportions-contraining mode set (showAll), and there will be borders on the sides. If that’s what you want, change ‘exactFit’ to ‘showAll’ in the script I posted before.

If you don’t want the border to be on both sides, you can align the stage to the left or right by setting Stage.align.

The file I provided is for Flash 8, so perhaps that is the problem.

Hey Krilnon,

Thanks. I tried to d/l the file a few times, I am using Flash 8 – I keep getting the same error “Seek failed on…path/mdTest.fla” weird. So, I’d love to try changing your file to show-all.

With your previous sample, I was able to stretch that file out beyond it’s document size (I changed my screen properties to mimick a monitor with a very a larger screen size). I don’t want it to grow beyond the movies physical size, only get smaller…

Well, not sure whats happening with the .fla, thanks again for the assist - md

[quote=Krilnon;1983525]You want it to shrink but not distort, so you want it to constrain the proportions, right? By default, the publish settings will have the proportions-contraining mode set (showAll), and there will be borders on the sides. If that’s what you want, change ‘exactFit’ to ‘showAll’ in the script I posted before.

If you don’t want the border to be on both sides, you can align the stage to the left or right by setting Stage.align.

The file I provided is for Flash 8, so perhaps that is the problem.[/quote]