Came back from FitC just now. Was pretty sweet … a few very interesting talks, the peak one was Jon Ruppel from who talked about adaptable designs and interfaces. Very nice.
Anyway. Roger Galvin, the project manager of Flash was there and showed some pretty cool sneaks from CS4, most of which are out there already in some form or version but also some details on the new animator and motion control which will definitely give our friends the animators a big smile on their faces. Very nice.
I had a chance to have a talk with Roger as well and he promised to make the IDE in CS4 to suck less monkey teets. He swore he’d implement custom class auto completion and some details that make the Flash IDE so vastly inferior to Flash Develop and FDK.
Think CS4 will mostly bring smiles for designers and animators, but the new animation system will bring a few cool keynotes for us developers as well. Not to mention FP10 methods and the new auto-embed-font system drool