I helped my brother with his current site by hiring a flash/php person to build him a gallery.
It works, but the CMS is extremely awkward to use. And the main gallery has some problems.
I’d like someone to:
1.redo the CMS, so he can
a. easily create section names (currently works, but not well)
b. upload images and movies (works, but the movie player sucks)
c. optionally be able to have multiple images for each ‘title’
2.redo the intro animation so it actually looks good. (!)
make subtle rollover actions so the sit actually has a flash feel.
change the contact thing. I’d like to move contact to bottom right and have it open a panel which goes away again or something.
The good news is, I have the flash file that made the gallery. Someone who already has an existing CMS and is a wiz with php and flash could probably fix things pretty fast.
$$ How much?
I’d like to get quotes from people who are willing and able!