Fla larger than it should be

I’ve been working on a Flash project for a couple o’ weeks now, and today, just as a test, I imported a couple of huge JPEGs to the library. Did my tests, everything worked fine. So far so good, thinks I, deleting the images from the library.

But alas! To my horror and dismay, whilst my wonderous exported SWF was but a mere 150kb, my FLA was a most astounding 68mb! :h:

Shock! Recoil! Feverishly I refreshed the folder and checked - still 68mb. So I opened the FLA again, and re-checked the images were gone from the library. They were!

Lies! Trickery! Deceit! :fight:

I know it can’t be anything else… There are a couple of of sounds, but very small and I could have sworn it was hardly any size before.

Normally, I wouldn’t care. But this is being ported round on an already fat USB key.

Any ideas?