Hi all,
I’m tying to convert the FLARToolkit class Lee showed in his tutorial for timeline scripting.(i.a. copied the whole ■■■■ thing, and put it on a actions layer) So far so good, I cleared out all the class related code and tested the movie.
Than I ran into a problem.
Lee used the following to include the pattern and camera files.
[Embed(source="pat1.pat", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
var pattern:Class;
[Embed(source="camera_para.dat", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
var params:Class;
But this doesn’t work when you are in timeline scripting. So how do I convert this?
especially the part were he seemed to link the embedded .pat and .dat to the variable params and pattern.
The following was used in the original FLARToolkit classes, but here they didn’t used variables.
this.init('Data/camera_para.dat', 'Data/flarlogo.pat')
So in short: How do I link these files to the variables for timeline scripting?
So if anyone can help me here, would be nice!