Flash 2 PHP 2 Flash

I’ve got something simple and can’t figure it out. In _root i’ve got 3 instances. 1 Input text box instance name “test1”, 1 combobox instance name “test2”, 1 dynamic box instance name “dynresult1” and a submit button.

On the first frame I’ve got the following code:
this.submit.onRelease = function() {
var myData = new LoadVars();
var myData2 = new LoadVars();
myData.Test1 = this.test1.text;
myData.Test2 = this.test2.value;
myData2.onLoad = function() {
dynresult1.text = myData2.txtresult;

My PHP script is as follows:
$test1 = $_POST[‘Test1’];
$test2 = $_POST[‘Test2’];
$test = $test1 .".". $test2;

echo “txtresult=”.$test."&";

When I enter some values and press submit, I get in my dynresult box “undefined.undefined”. So txtresult 2 dynresult works (setting myData.test1=“something” results in something.undefined), but why do I get those undefined? I’ve tried changing this.test1 to _root.test1.text, _root._parent.test1.text, test1.text. I’ve tried setting the variable instead of the instance name and changed test1.text to test1. I’ve tried combining the input field and combobox to a movie instance and request the vars like this: form.test1 and form.test2. Nothing works. So please help.