Flash 5 and sound

okay… i’m up late working on a simple little project… but it has come with a little problem…

how do i make background music loop indefinately?.. can you?.. is it script or a setting?..

oasis says under his breath… “i hope someone gets this before five in the morning… i have to work tomorrow…”

not exactly indefinately, but close enough.

on the sound panel, after importing the sound, select it from the drop down menu and set loops to 99999999 (however many 9s you can fit) that’s as much as you should ever really need.

did u get it to work?

yes… i just thought that maybe there was another way besides the sound panel to operate the loop factor… i thought there might have been some scripting commands in there somewhere…

this reminds me of a question… what is the best method to put background music in a flash site?.. load movie?.. or just loop it in the main timeline?..

i throw mine onto a diffrent level!! =)

*Originally posted by Dave *
**i throw mine onto a diffrent level!! =) **


.at.ur.question: i think if ur soundfile is quite big, i wouldnt throw it in the maintimeline, load it via loadmovie. would be new for me if u could do the loop with any scripting.