hi guys…
for the past days, i was trying to figure out how to convert the action script from a Flash 5 .fla file to a Flash 8.
i’ve tried changing the publish settings to default Flash 8 from Flash 5 settings but all i receive from the output were numerous error messages… obviously Flash 8 was rejecting most syntaxes in the Flash 5 AS.
most error messages points to variables with “/:” before it…
example this is on the Flash 5 .fla file
if (eval(“/:text” add d) gt eval(“/:text” add (d+1))) {
// perform swap:
temp = eval(“/:text” add d);
set(“/:text” add d, eval(“/:text” add (d+1)));
set(“/:text” add (d+1), temp);
temp = eval(“/:link” add d);
set(“/:link” add d, eval(“/:link” add (d+1)));
set(“/:link” add (d+1), temp);
also… can someone guide me if why these statements are wrong?
Error Scene=Scene 1, layer=scripts, frame=2:Line 5: ‘)’ or ‘,’ expected
while (length (eval(“link” add n))>1) {
Error Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 31: ‘)’ or ‘,’ expected
if (eval(“/:text” add d) gt eval(“/:text” add (d+1))) {
thankz in advance!:beam: