In flash im trying to create a room where you can move left or right around it and then walk through a door etc(like a panoram) but what i’m having trouble with is this:
I have my Left/Right buttons on the screen. At the moment when i hover over the left button this triggers an animation which makes the picture move giving the feelling you are going left. Also when i stop hovering over the button this stops the animation. The trouble with this is :
A ) Its making the flash movie quite big with all the left and right animations
B ) When i stop hovering over the button and then hover back over it again it starts the animation from the beggining
What i would really like to know is(if any one can help that is) is there away i can sort those problems out stated above maybe by using actionscript to move the Picture rather than animation?
Please go easy on me as im new to this lol