[Flash 8 : AS2]a bit confused onRelease function() with unique ids

**[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I think my title is confusing too!

I have the following code that lists 5 buttons with dynamic texts… when pressing each button a popUp_mc window will appear with some content show in dynamic text. Only one of these 5 buttons have some images that will have symbols_mc appear… in this case I just alpha this symbol to 100 only for this button, but for the rest alpha = 0. The button the I want to show the symbol is the third one. I’m a bit confused on how to show this symbol according to the following code below. Please advice.

//Pop up boxes
* onRelease animation over module parts tweens them to their correct position over the
* background, and moves desc_mc to the right frame. Clicking on a different module tweens
* the one in place back to its original position and begins moving the one clicked on.
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
//variables for tracking if target is occupied
popUp_mc._alpha = 0;
popUp_mc.text_txt.autoSize = true;
var root:MovieClip = this;
var crnt:MovieClip;
var numLetters:Number = 5;
var occupied:Boolean = false;
var crnt:String;
var Texts:Array = ["Energy Savings", "Pre-designed for HVAC market", "Conformances & certifications", 
                   "Harmonics filtering", "Comprehensive range"];
var letterTexts:Array = [];
var grid:Rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 20, 260, 260);
popUpBg_mc.scale9Grid = grid;
letterTexts.push("Significant energy savings can be realized by converting from mechanical controls to variable speed drives.");
letterTexts.push("<b>Pre-designed for HVAC</b><br><br><ul><li>Functions specific to pumping and ventilation applications (relating to safety, reduced pollution, continuity of service, and energy savings) are standard.</li><br><li>Supports the main network protocols used in building automation (Modbus standard; option cards available for LonWorks, BACnet, METASYS N2 and APOGEE FLN.</li><ul>");
letterTexts.push("<b>Conformance marks</b><br><font size='-1'>CE (Europe) The drives are CE-marked in compliance to the European low voltage directives (73/23/CEE and 93/68/CEE) and EMC(89/336/CEE).</font><br><br><b>Certifications</b><br><font size='-1'>UL (USA)<br>CSA (Canada)<br>NOM 117 (Mexico)<br>C-Tick (Australia)<br>GOST (Russia)</font><br><br><b>Eco-design</b><br><font size='-1'>Developed in conformity with the new European directives ROHS (Restriction Of Hazardous Substances) and WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) regarding product recycling.</font>");
letterTexts.push("<b>Harmonics filtering</b><br><br><ul><li>The Altivar 21ís C-less technology reduces the harmonic level to less than 35% without the need for additional filters.</li><br><li>The Altivar 61ís built-in DC inductance allows it to be in accordance with IEC61000-3-12 &#40;THDI &lt;&#61; 48&#37;&#41;.</li></ul>");
letterTexts.push("<b>Comprehensive range for HVAC applications</b><br><br>Altivar 21:<ul><li>0.75 to 30 kW</li><li>Compact</li><li>Low-cost</li><br></ul>Altivar 61:<ul><li>37 to 630 kW</li><li>Multi-function</li><li>Customizable</li></ul>");
function adjustSize(message:String):Void {
    popUp_mc.text_txt.htmlText = message;
    popUp_mc.popUpBg_mc._height = popUp_mc.text_txt._height+20;
    popUp_mc.popUpBg_mc._width = popUp_mc.text_txt._width+40;
    popUp_mc.popUpBg_mc._y = popUp_mc.text_txt._y-5;
    popUp_mc.popUpBg_mc._x = popUp_mc.text_txt._x-5;
for (var i:Number = 0; i<numLetters; i++) {
    root[String.fromCharCode(97+i)+"_mc"].btn_txt.text = Texts*;
    root[String.fromCharCode(97+i)+"_mc"].ID = i;
    root[String.fromCharCode(97+i)+"_mc"].letterID = String.fromCharCode(97+i);
    root[String.fromCharCode(97+i)+"_mc"].onRollOver = function() {
        if (crnt != root["popUp"+this.ID+"_mc"]) {
            this.btn_txt.textColor = 0xC2C6D5;
    root[String.fromCharCode(97+i)+"_mc"].onRollOut = function() {
        if (crnt != root["popUp"+this.ID+"_mc"]) {
            this.btn_txt.textColor = 0x868DAC;
    root[String.fromCharCode(97+i)+"_mc"].onRelease = function() {
        if (!occupied) {
            popUp_mc.alphaTo(100, .25, "linear", 0);
            crnt = this.letterID;
            occupied = true;
        } else {
            if (crnt == this.letterID) {
                popUp_mc.alphaTo(0, .25, "linear", 0);
                occupied = false;
            } else {
                crnt = this.letterID;
                occupied = true;
                //here i want to have symbols_mc be alpha = 100 for only third letter ID
                //how can i accomplish that here?
                symbols_mc._alpha = 0;
