For about a week i have been trying to create a bouncy menu with no success. Does anybody have a suggestion?
This is what i have for just one instance on the menu:
easeType = [COLOR=blue]mx.[/COLOR]transitions.easing.Back.easeOut;
[COLOR=blue]var[/COLOR] begin =270;
[COLOR=blue]var[/COLOR] end = 100;
[COLOR=blue]var[/COLOR] time = 1.5;
[COLOR=blue]var[/COLOR] mc = mcNoticias ;
NoticiasTween = [COLOR=blue]new mx[/COLOR].transitions.Tween(mc, “_y”, easeType, begin, end, time, [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR]);
it works fine, but on just one instance. how can i make the four instances that i have come in one after the other in a sequence?