(Flash 8) Dynamic fills?

Hello again.

I apologize for all the color questions, but I’ve been beating my head against the wall trying to sort this out. A new method is dynamic fills. Say I have a drawing that is only outlines (and located in it’s own movieclip) . . . is there a way to fill in the blank areas with specified colors? Here is an example:

This must also leave the black stroke untouched.

Like I said, this is killin’ me :slight_smile: Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!

I have this task done…

But file is away from me…

first of all you must put lines and fills in separate MCs.
every fill area sould be separate MC too.

after that simply change collor of that MC on click with setRGB.

oh well …
I found old demo version of my script… its verry old…

I even put your traced flower in… :wink:

Have fun flashing.

You can also do with bitmap data object and floodfill()
only need one mc then

Oh sweet! Thanks a lot for the files, guys. These are really helpful.

Stringy, with the floodfill() method I noticed you specified coodinates. Is this necessary in all cases for the fill to work? The reason I ask is because I will be applying this to movieclips that are duplicated randomly on my canvas.

I really appreciate the advice! Thanks so much.

[QUOTE=signalnoise;1983752]Oh sweet! Thanks a lot for the files, guys. These are really helpful.

Stringy, with the floodfill() method I noticed you specified coodinates. Is this necessary in all cases for the fill to work? The reason I ask is because I will be applying this to movieclips that are duplicated randomly on my canvas.

I really appreciate the advice! Thanks so much.[/QUOTE]

Yes you do but shouldn`t be a problem
nb/i just copied your pic rather than draw in flash ,hence white bgd square

Stringy, this is excellent. Exactly what I was looking for (holy smoke, I was ready to yank my hair out).

Thank-you so much. This is a HUGE help! :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=signalnoise;1983827]Stringy, this is excellent. Exactly what I was looking for (holy smoke, I was ready to yank my hair out).

Thank-you so much. This is a HUGE help! :)[/QUOTE]
