Flash 8 email with check box problem

I have a flash PHP email form that has works greet. I want to add some check boxes to it and am not able to get the values sent to my email. I think the php file is good, But I need some help with the action scripting part in the flash.

 if ($_POST)
  $mailTo = "email@domain.com";
  $mailSubject = "[Contact] Semester Tutoring Needed - (" . $_POST['name'] . ")";
  $Header = "MIME-Version: 1.0
  $Header .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  $Header .= "From: " . $_POST['email'] . "
  $output = "<BR>";
  $output .= "From    : " . $_POST['name'] . "<BR><BR>";
  $output .= "Email   : " . $_POST['email'] . "<BR><BR>";
  $output .= "About   : " . $_POST['about'] . "<BR><BR>";
  $output .= "Message : " . $_POST['message'] . "<BR><BR>";
  $output .= "Class Level : " . $_POST['from'] . "<BR><BR>";
        $output .= "class    : " . $post="hsdip[]" . "<BR><BR>";
        $output .= "Tutoring    : " . $post="tutoring[]" . "<BR><BR>";
        $output .= "help needed    : " . $post="hsdip[]" . "<BR><BR>";
        $output .= "help needed    : " . $post="tutoring[]" . "<BR><BR>";
  $output = nl2br($output);
  if (mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, stripslashes($output), $Header))
  echo("This script runs only in Flash!!!");