[FLASH 8]External "sound/music" .swf

Ok, I’ve tried every external .swf coding at my disposal, both made up and searched for, and I can not make an external .swf that loads sounds dynamically on listeners, such as a key being pushed or a button being pressed. I would appreciate it so much, if someone helped me out with this problem. I need an external .swf that just holds sounds, and I want to use those sounds according to whatever type of input I use in my main game. I’ve tried exporting libraries, loadMovie, loadMovieNum…everthing I can think of. Doesn’t anyone know what I am talking about and if you can help me, thanks!

P.S: An example of this, is the “Madness Interactive” game that has a “mrsound.swf” that comes with the game, and that .swf holds all songs and sounds, and the sounds are loaded dynamically based on input in the main .swf. Thank you in advance!