Flash 8 FLV Component refresh problem!


I’m using the flash 8 FLV component to dynamic load multiple videos into one instance of the FLV component which is on the stage inside a movieclip called thumbnail. The problem I hope someone can help me with is when I load another video to replace the existing one, the old one appears to still play for 1-2 seconds (Still in buffer??) and the new one plays.

I start off my loading a movie using:

thumbnail.thumb_flvcom.contentPath = “file path of the video”;

And stopping the movie using:

          if (_root.thumbnail.thumb_flvcom.state == FLVPlayback.PLAYING || _root.thumbnail.thumb_flvcom.state == FLVPlayback.PAUSED || _root.thumbnail.thumb_flvcom.state == FLVPlayback.SEEKING) {

Any ideas would be appreciated!