Hi everybody.
I got an mc named “zoom” which the mouse cursor should switch into whenever the cursor itself is onRollover on an mc “img”.
This “zoom” mc consists of two frames with (respectively) a “+” zoom cursor and a “-” zoom cursor.
I’m unable to set the cursor in order to display the “-” cursor when “img” is zoomed and the “+” cursor when “img” is not zoomed.
Here’s the code which determines “img” scaling:
myZoom = function (myDepth)
if (myDepth == "deep")
myDepth = 4;
else if (myDepth == "medium")
myDepth = 8;
else if (myDepth == "light")
myDepth = 12;
} // end else if
img.onRelease = function()
if (k > 0)
} // end if
zoom = true;
dir == 1 ? (dir = -1) : (dir = 1);
if (dir == 1)
pt = {x: img._xmouse, y: img._ymouse};
} // end if
this.onEnterFrame = function ()
if (!zoom)
} // end if
img._xscale = img._xscale + dir * k * 50 / myDepth;
img._yscale = img._yscale + dir * k * 50 / myDepth;
var pt2 = {x: pt.x, y: pt.y};
img._x = img._x - (pt2.x - pt.x);
img._y = img._y - (pt2.y - pt.y);
if (k == 8)
zoom = false;
k = 0;
} // end if