I’be been pulling my hair out because of a very peculiar problem :
Flash seems to randomly NOT render spaces in a dyn textfield when using **bold **text next to normal text using css . I load the text from htmlpages. The strange things is when you zoom in ( rightclick -> Zoom In ) Flash renders the text and spaces correctly … Is this a bug or what ? I’ve tried all possible ways known by mankind in both the IDE & AS3 but the only solutiuon I could get to work, is using non breaking spaces between each nonbold and bold part of text. Problem is that the text must be edited by the client and that solution is not a very elegant one. Also, if I disable anti-aliasing, the problem disappears.
You can see an example at http://www.skerm.be/pimpz/ , the first item “Opel meets Bué”, the spaces are there but sometimes they are not rendered and bold & nonbold text stick together. Then zoom in on the textfield and by magic the spaces are rendered as it should !
Any ideas ?
Grz from Belgium