Im trying to access javascript from flash, some reason this isnt working… can anyone help me out? thanks alot
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
<!-- winBRopen BEGIN
function winBRopen(theURL, Name, popW, popH, scroll, resize) { // V 1.0
var winleft = (screen.width - popW) / 2;
var winUp = (screen.height - popH) / 2;
winProp = 'width='+popW+',height='+popH+',left='+winleft+',top='+winUp+',scrollbars='+scroll+',resizable='+resize+''
Win =, Name, winProp)
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) { Win.window.focus(); }
// winBRopen END -->
that "about is really “j a v a s c r i p t :” wont let me type that in w/o spaces
[AS]getURL(“javascript:winBRopen(‘’,‘Solo Temp’,‘800’,‘600’,‘yes’,‘no’)”);[/AS]