Flash and MySQL

Well call me stupid, but I’m new. Anyway, I was wondering if it is possible to use a MySQL database to get results and display them somewhere in my flash as text. And if it is possible how would I do it?

It definately is possible. You need a PHP script that connects with the MySQL database and prints the output like this:

&yourvar=This is your variable&asecondvar=This is your second variable&…

Then you can read from that PHP file using the loadVars object in Flash. Run a search in the Server Side/Scripting forum for MySQL and PHP. I asked the same question some time ago and the people here helped me out. So search for posts by Voetsjoeba in Serverside/scripting concerning MySQL Flash and PHP. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums by the way :wink:

Yes, welcome…
post moved to appropriate category…

Ah right, Thanks for the help and the welcomes :slight_smile: Apologies for posting it in the wrong place, thanks for moving it too.

Is your question answered?

Yeah I think I get it now, I just really needed to know baisically how it was done :slight_smile: