Flash and php?

Hi all,

I’m trying to send some data from flash movie to php script and back. I have some combobox elements (11). I need to send every one of the selections to the php script and get the results back to flash in the next frame and order them from smallest to largest. In other words I’ve got the next:
flash movie, that contains 11 combobox elements
every one of these elements has lables/data
the user picks something from each one of them
pushes the send button
the movie sends the elements’ data to the php
php combines every one of them together with numbers… let say… 1’st combo box has lables(data) one and two, and the 2’nd combo has lables(data) three and frour. The user picks two and three. The php script multiplicates these values in other variable - $result (result is six)
the php sends back the result and it appears in the flash movie as text… in fact, my php script returns 12 results, which I want to order from smallest to largest number.
So far, I got only

on (release) {
var variable1 = go_inputform.cb1.getValue();
var variable2 = go_inputform.cb2.getValue();
go_inputform.loadVariables(“input_data2.php”, “POST”);

that I apply to the button “send”


that I apply to the movie clip in which i placed the comboboxes

Actually I’ve got webpage that has everything of this in it, but I want to place it in flash movie. Is there ANY way to do this? :puzzled: