Flash as2 Can't get this to work. Shuffling an Array. Plese Look

I’m scratching my head here, what am I missing?

var enemyArray:Array = [“enemy1_mc”,“enemy2_mc”,“enemy3_mc”,“enemy4_mc”,“enemy5_mc”,“enemy6_mc”,“enemy7_mc”,“enemy8_mc”,“enemy9_mc”,];
var randomSelection = Math.floor((Math.random() * myArr.length));
trace("Random Display = " + enemyArray[randomSelection]);

What I am trying to do is this: I am trying to call a random enemy from the library, and when the random enemy is called, the enemy will appear in a random location on the main timeline. On the main timeline, I have 9 movieclips (spot1, spot2…spot9). The alpha is set to 0 for each spot.

So, a random enemy is called, and then the enemy is randomly placed in one of the nine spots. Here is my complete code on the main timeline:

_root.inventory_mc._visible = false;



var randomSpot:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*9);

_root.spider_mc._x = _root[“spot”+randomSpot]._x;
_root.spider_mc._y = _root[“spot”+randomSpot]._y;


_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (Key.isDown(73)) {
_root.inventory_mc._visible = true;

var enemyArray:Array = [“enemy1_mc”,“enemy2_mc”,“enemy3_mc”,“enemy4_mc”,“enemy5_mc”,“enemy6_mc”,“enemy7_mc”,“enemy8_mc”,“enemy9_mc”,];
var randomSelection = Math.floor((Math.random() * myArr.length));
trace("Random Display = " + enemyArray[randomSelection]);