Flash as2 Help: Movie is being called to wrong X, Y cordinates

Here is my code:
on (release) {
howToPlay._x = 250;
howToPlay._y = 175;
howToPlay._alpha = 75;
closeBTN._x = 420;
closeBTN._y = 55;
closeBTN.onRelease = function() {

When the player clicks “instructions”, a movieClip “howToPlay” is called to the stage. Also a button is called to the stage, closeBTN. I wrote in my code where I want the location of the movieClip “howToPlay” and the location of the closeBTN. Seems to work exactly how I wanted it. EXCEPT, when the player clicks the closeBTN button, howToPlay and closeBTN are unloaded and the player can select a different choice: Play Game, Instructions or About. If they player clicks Instructions again, howToPlay and closeBTN are loaded in a completly different location than the first time.

My question is: How do I keep the positions the same everytime the player closes the instructions box and clicks instructions again?

Thanks again!
