Flash & asp

i have a simple problem, but i just cant solve it!

i have made an aps file taht loads info from an html form, and composes a mail, to be sent.
i nned to convert the initial html form, to an swf file that sends the info.
when trying to communicate the flash movie to the asp file, nothing seems to work

any ideas or any tutorial round there??

thanks everyone!!!:alien:

*Originally posted by dethbanger *
i have a simple problem, but i just cant solve it!

i have made an aps file taht loads info from an html form, and composes a mail, to be sent.
i nned to convert the initial html form, to an swf file that sends the info.
when trying to communicate the flash movie to the asp file, nothing seems to work

any ideas or any tutorial round there??

thanks everyone!!!:alien:

Do you have extra fingers? I don’t really understand what your trying to do.

Run a search in the Server Side section of the forum. :wink:

Here’s a bunch:


sorry guys, here it is again
i need to make a form in flash, that sends data to an asp file.

i tried using components, i can make the form, but i cannot send the data

I know how to do it in PHP. You may want to post in the Server Side Scripting area of this forum. You may get better results

i see, i have a mdoel working with php, but i cannot use php, cause i dont have an apache server php enabled, soas, i use asp.
but by now i need to send the data from the swf file.

thanks a lot guys, !!!

Hrmm… I think I’m going to experiment with passing ASP to/from Flash tonight. I’ll have something for you to check out tomorrow. (I’ve never passed data to and from though before so it is possible I won’t have anything to show for my efforts). Also, check out actionscript.org, they may have something or the all-knowing, all seeing g00gle.

:skull: i think i will solve it today, so as soon i have any material to post, it will be published!!:skull: