_ Hey guys, i need some help with a site i’m currently working on and you can see the test file here
what i have are 4 buttons on the left that are not labelled - only when u rollover do u see what the button is called. My problem is i cant figure out what script to use in this situation…when i click on a button and the submenu appears, i need the rollover(button name) to remain visible. I can manage that but what the problem is i also need to be able to roll over the other 3 buttons (which aren’t currently active) to see what they are labelled as well. The design is for only one button label to appear at a time due to the space available. Thats where i’m lost. I’ve put all the button labels into one movie clip and the submenus are also in their own individual movie clips. Here’s the script i’m using:
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (Number(test) == 2) {
test = 0;
} else {
test = 2;
_ “head” is the name of the movie clip containing the button labels…
the number variables are the submenus
Anyone out there have any ideas for scripting this? I know its got to do with if statements but i’m not sure about the script or the best way to set up these buttons (movieclips? reg buttons?) If you notice the first button - philosophy - has a pulsing movie clip, this is what the other 3 should be but i have to get the main probs sorted out first. I have posted the fla file at my idisk:
membername: nickelhome
If anyone could take a look at it and offer some suggestions it would be greatly appreciated…its in the public folder but if anyone has any probs please email me nickelhome@hotmail.com.
Thanks in advance,