Hi, i have this problem. I’m importing a flsh made menu in a topframe in DW. The page in Dw has 2 frames (top and main).
I would like the flash menu to open the linked pages in my 2nd frame (the main one)

I set the action to each button as follow:

on mouse release
geturl: 0main.htm (the page i want to load)
target : _ffmain.htm (the targeted frame)

It works but the loaded page comes in an other window

What is the right syntax for telling the target MUST be my main frame in the page?

I tried _parent but it opens it in a new window…

Thx in advance


That is dependent on what you named the main frame that you targeted to. Check to make sure that the frame name is targeted correctly. Check your HTML page to see that all hyperlinks haven’t been defaulted to “Open In a new Window”. Those are the common problems. If none of those work out, please send me the URL, and I’ll try to see how to go about solving your problem.

I hope that helped. If you have any further questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reply back.

Kirupa Chinnathambi

Ok thnx kirupa

i found out the problem and i’ll tell for the pleasure to know always more :-Ö

The problem was the the targeted frame was “ffmain” with a corresponding page name ffmain.htm

IN SETTING TARGET : ffmain.htm I made a mistake…

I should have written

TARGET : ffmain So the target must be the name of the frame not the page!!!

Always discovering something new in this world.

Thnks again kirupa

Now the next step is to make a layer in the main frame (ffmain) and to tell the loading file to go there instead of where it wants in the page.
Could you tell me, before i loose time, if this is possible?



Hello Udin,
I really don’t know. I’m not really that knowledgeable in HTML. What you may do, is create an iframe. Iframes are frames inside a page. That should allow you to use the iframes as regular frames. The iframes can be the shape of a square etc. They will not take up the whole window like regular frames either.

Visit this URL:


I know my explanation may be a little vague. I hope that URL helps though. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reply back.

Kirupa Chinnathambi

Thx Kirupa it helped me a lot. I discovered the importance of IFRAME. It’ interesting what you can do.

Bye Udin