Flash Carousel XML Issues


I have searched this forum and cant find the appropriate answer.

I am trying to create a Flash Carousel Menu and use XML to insert the pictures and text, however I would like to make some of the words into a hyperlink and I would also like to increase the size of the text in the flash file.

I have very limited to knowledge of Flash and even less knowledge of XML.

Here is my xml file

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”?>


<icon image =“images/icon1.png” tooltip=“Samsung BlackJack” content = “The Samsung BlackJack is a slim, stylish mobile
entertainment and organizational powerhouse. It plays: with Cellular Video and AT&T Mobile Music - exclusive TV content
and your digital tunes. And it works: with Microsoft® Windows Mobile 5, Mobile Office TM applications, personal and
corporate email and attachment support. And it does it all at break-neck 3G speeds.Only from AT&T.”/>


I would like to make the Only from AT&T sentence at the end into a hyperlink.

and here is my Action script file

import mx.utils.Delegate;
import mx.transitions.Tween
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
#include “mc_tween2.as”

//this._lockroot = true;

var numOfItems:Number ;
//size of circle
var radiusX:Number = 275;
//circle height
var radiusY:Number = 95;
var centerX:Number = 390;
var centerY:Number = Stage.height/2;
//controls circle spin
var speed:Number = 0.005;
var perspective: Number = 80;
var home:MovieClip = this;
theText._alpha = 0;

//tool tip is loading into level 500
var tooltip:MovieClip = this.attachMovie(“tooltip”,“tooltip”,500);
tooltip._alpha = 0;

var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;

xml.onLoad = function()
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
numOfItems = nodes.length;
for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
var t = home.attachMovie(“item”, “item”+i,i+1);
t.angle = i ((Math.PI2)/numOfItems);
t.onEnterFrame = mover;
t.toolText = nodes*.attributes.tooltip;
t.content = nodes*.attributes.content;
t.icon.onRollOver = over;
t.icon.onRollOut = out;
t.icon.onRelease = released;



function over()
home.tooltip.tipText.text = this._parent.toolText;
home.tooltip._x = this._parent._x;
home.tooltip._y = this._parent._y - this._parent.height/2;
home.tooltip.onEnterFrame = Delegate.create(this,moveTip);
new Tween(home.tooltip, “_alpha”, Strong.easeIn, 0, 100, 0.50, true);
function out()
delete home.tooltip.onEnterFrame;
new Tween(home.tooltip, “_alpha”, Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, 0.50, true);
home.tooltip._alpha = 0;

function released ()
home.tooltip._alpha = 0;
for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
var t: MovieClip = home[“item”+i]
t.xPos = t._x;
t.yPos = t._y;
t.theScale = t._xscale;
delete t.icon.onRollOver;
delete t.icon.onRollOut;
delete t.icon.onRelease;
delete t.onEnterFrame;
//!= means if not equal to
if(t != this._parent)
var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,t._xscale,0,1,true);
var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,t._yscale,0,1,true);
var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,1,true);
//change size of enlarged icon
var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,t._xscale,100,1,true);
var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,t._yscale,100,1,true);
// Change x and y position of enlarged icon
var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_x",Strong.easeOut,t._x,132,1,true);
var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,300,1,true);
var tw5:Tween = new Tween(theText,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
theText.text = t.content;
var s:Object = this;
tw.onMotionStopped = function()
s.onRelease = unReleased;

function unReleased()
delete this.onRelease;
var tw:Tween = new Tween(theText,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,1,true);
for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
var t: MovieClip = home[“item”+i]
//!= means if not equal to
if(t != this._parent)
var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,0,t.theScale,1,true);
var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,0,t.theScale,1,true);
var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,t.yPos,1,true);
var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,100,t.theScale,1,true);
var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,100,t.theScale,1,true);
var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_x",Strong.easeOut,t._x,t.xPos,1,true);
var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,t.yPos,1,true);
tw.onMotionStopped = function()
for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
var t:MovieClip = home[“item”+i];
t.icon.onRollOver = Delegate.create(t.icon,over);
t.icon.onRollOut = Delegate.create(t.icon,out);
t.icon.onRelease = Delegate.create(t.icon,released);
t.onEnterFrame = mover;

function moveTip()
home.tooltip._x = this._parent._x;
home.tooltip._y = this._parent._y - this._parent._height/2;


function mover ()
this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s:Number = (this._y - perspective)/ (centerY+radiusY-perspective);
this._xscale = this._yscale = s * 100;
this.angle += this._parent.speed;
this.swapDepths(Math.round(this._xscale) + 100);


this.onMouseMove = function()
///set spin speed, higher number = slower
speed = (this._xmouse-centerX)/9500;

Please please please help me, sorry for just dumping all of the script up here but I really am stuck.

I have tried CDATA, but dont understand where to put it and I have also tried using html and html with &lt and &rt.

I am sure I have done something very silly, but I cant spot it, as I am not really an expert.

Any help on this matter would be very much appreciated.
