Hey all,
I know this is the showcase forum but i think i posted it right, although i got some questions because i’m no webdesigner… i mean my profession is not being a webdesigner.
However… first of all my question is: can i call this thing i made a CMS (Content management system)?
Second question: how much should i charge for this?
As you see in the picture the user can update,add and delete following things: News, journeys, pictures (gallery) and a filemanagement application.
They use the filemanager for manage galleries on the website… or whatever they like, but mainley manage galleries.
Everything in this application is custom made… comboboxes, scrollers, filemanager, input textboxes, texteditor etc. except for the icons.
Before this, the user could manage the news ofcourse, and if they wanted to manage the gallery they had to login with FTP. But they journeys weren’t dynamic.
The website look lik this: http://www.beuniq.se/resor
Language in swedish, sorry. But they sell “dance journeys”.