Flash Connecting to a database

*Originally posted by CyanBlue *
**The main thing is that you don’t know if the ASP string has been fully loaded or not with loadVariablesNum() function… So, I have used LoadVars() object to do that… And since the variable, theColor, doesn’t get to get loaded in the first place, onClipEvent (load) won’t work… so I had to use onClipEvent (enterFrame) to apply the new color… (You need to change the paht for the ASP file so that it will call yours properly…) **
I think I have told you the reason why it wasn’t changing the color last night and I have quoted it right there in case you don’t remember what it was… :wink:

The only reason why I am helping other people is to help them understand WHY they need to do certain things to get things working, not just to correct the bug or whatever… It is useless for me to correct your code again, if you don’t understand what is the missing right there… Don’t you think??? What you are asking today is the very same thing that I have done for you yesterday… :frowning:

Sorry but i think u’ve misunderstood me. What i want to know most importantly is why the tooltip txt not appearing on mouseover.

Is the code in the .asp file incorrect?


Response.write "theColor=0xFF0000"

'Response.write “label=ItemA”

the code in my .asp file is like this:

Response.write "theColor=0xFF0000"
'Response.write "label=ItemA"


as you can see when i comment the second line of my code, it changes the color on runtime & hence i wanted to confirm the problem with the tooltip.

First of all, I don’t get to see your ASP code at all… Please use proper code formattin by using tags like [ AS ] or [ PHP ]…

I do not understand why you have to call your ASP file twice… One in the button and another one in the tooltip movieclip… Is there any reason for it??? The ASP file format looks okay to me, and as I was saying earlier, that is not the problem… Flash cannot load the external data that quickly… If you say

loadVariable(blah blah);
trace("theColor = " + theColor);

it won’t load the data that quickly hence you don’t see any data displayed at all… Either use LoadVars() object’s onLoad handler, or keep it in the loop till the data gets loaded…