Flash Contests

I’m itching to enter a flash competition of any kind, but I can’t find one that’s running now (or soon). Does anyone know of a contest I can enter? Even if it’s not free… I would have joined the footer contest but I didn’t get to submit in time, so ;(

This would fit better in a flash board but everyone seems to visit the random one


Well you can challenge someone to a flash battle in the Battle section. They sometimes take a while to get started, but you can gather people who are willing to compete and collaborate on a theme of what to do and how to go about doing it, when it is due, and all that jazz. Then a mod officializes it.

After all submissions are entered a poll is set up.

Of course there are no prizes, Battles are for fun and games, a friendly competition of sorts. You can check there for an open flash battle (one that has not been officialized yet), or you can create a new thread proposing your own.

thankee! I’ll start one now, maybe AS.
…though I wonder if it’ll be popular, I’m notorious for writing long forum posts that nobody wants to answer…

:trout: <<< how is that supposed to be used?

I guess you won’t know until you try :wink:

trout smacking is the thing to do around here. When you make a joke, or when you just feel like smacking someone (or yourself) … :trout: them

Theres a use for all smilies on this forum, be creative and try and come up with some interesting combinations :beam:

*Originally posted by spike99 *
:trout: <<< how is that supposed to be used? **

you know what? i never knew myself…

makaveli started a thread once and said something like

makaveli smacks (he then names half the people on the site) with a trout like actions in IRC.

Thread got to about 600 posts I think, then someone (my bet is eilsoe, if i’m wrong sorry to whoever made it) made the trout smiley :). Search for it, it’s one of the best threads on here after princess bride and the soul + kit + AsCo ones :P.

NWC :trout:

It was actually Guig0 who made the smiley if I remember correctly :slight_smile:

thats great. someone should write a short history of kirupa for us newcomers, the unofficial account, with all the zany details.

Yeah, that would be cool, but a short history would be impossible, so much has happened!

I haven’t even been here a year so a ton happened before I ever popped my head into this forum and started learning actionscript.

There are some first gen members here (like Nali) who were here in the EZBoard days though, perhaps they will collab and write a “short” history :q::q::q:

In the beginning, kirupa.com was but a small site dedicated to Windows. But then the great kirupa said [COLOR=red]LET THERE BE FLASH[/COLOR]. And there was. And it was good. One the second day, the great kirupa said [COLOR=red]Let there be forums[/COLOR]. And there was much spamming and rejoicing. On the third day the great kirupa said [COLOR=red]I need help[/COLOR], and the great upuaut8 appeared and became the first of the 18 disciples. And then Kirupa looked upon his creation and rested, but not for long.

The 7th disciple then began the great Princess Bride book of the great kirupa bible. It was long, but it was good, and there was much rejoicing.

But then, one of the lords trusted servants attacked him. The angel formerly known as Makaveli_da_don smacked the great kirupa with a trout. The great kirupa became angry, and banished Makaveli, as he shall now be known as, to an eternity of trout smacking. The great guigo created the smiley of trout smacking to forever banish Makaveli to.

The great kirupa then discovered his heaven was too small for the many people. So he decided to create a site dedicated just to his forums. And it was good. Then the Jewish leaders decided to support kirupa, and the Media Temple was born, and it supported Kirupa.

Then Kirupa decided to spread his religion. So he created the great church of kirupa. Pope Phil Jayhan began the crusades and spread the word of kirupa throughout the lands. The evil somethingawful.com worshippers who payed monthly tributes to their leaders were wiped from the earth, and kirupa was happy.

Then kirupa decided he wanted a son. So he decided to select one of his moderators to be the mother, and he chose Kitiara. But then, he witnessed the infamous video, and he grew angry. And the sky turned black, and the water rose. And kirupa smited the English demon that had groped Kitiara. But the forums remained alive.

That’s all I got.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s awesome Nali.

A bit out of order, but awesome :trout:

lol…i cant stop laughing long enough to type…

lol! dean is dead hurray! :slight_smile:

lol, and thanks for the “it’s one of the best threads on here after princess bride and the soul + kit + AsCo ones :P” recognition :wink: :wink:

Excellent, Nali. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Princess Bride thread was amazing, I remember that. :slight_smile: Though us English do have some marvellous threads on occasion too. :beam:

only on occasion? :wink:

sh*t! work! must… do… work…!

runs bye all! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s great, Nali! :stuck_out_tongue: